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Who’m I?

I am… me!  I’m the mostest me EVER.  Which really translates to “I’m nobody in particular” …but I do that really well!
I like art, books, music, movies, and politics. And I’m opinionated.
I have 2 dogs, Mischief and Mayhem.
I crochet.  I’ve done embroidery.  I’ve pretended to paint a few times, mostly with disastrous results, but every now and again, I do a piece I like.
I like rocks.  And candles.  A blending of “old world” with modern-contemporary.
I know the meaning of “Teacup Chain”.  And I can do it.  Well.
I’m a moral absolutist.  A pragmatic idealist.  A cynic.
I’m sometimes a walking contradiction and I’m okay with that.  Unless I’m not.
I have the uncanny ability to become invisible at the drop of a hat.  I’m that person you never see at the parties, but I’m always there.
I’m an existentialist, with a deep fondness for Nietzsche.  I think everything is absurd.  Including me.
I was a World of Warcraft addict.  I loved my guild, my characters.  Best. Video Game. EVER.
I’m under impressed by people who try to impress others – the name droppers, the ~status~ people.  Insincerity.  Inauthenticity.  People overly impressed with themselves.
I hate injustice.  In all of its forms.
I love hot rods.  I have a tattoo.
I’m an atheist, meaning “I have no belief in a god”.  I’m an atoothfairyist and an aeasterbunnyist, too, though I still believe in Santa Claus.  Just in case he’s real.
I can’t cook.  I don’t even like to try.
I like death/doom metal, because cookie monster voices make me laugh.
I’ve been a victim.  A survivor.  I’d prefer to be neither one.
I believe that at any given time, in any given situation, we do our best with what we’re given.  Sometimes that’s not enough.  And that’s okay.
“Unleashing the power of mediocrity.”  I love that phrase.