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Misc Articles

i’m still here!

i know it's been absolute ages since i posted, everything started going crazy at the end of last year and it just kept getting crazier.  three days before my mom's open heart surgery, my aunt died from complications due to her's, which hit us really hard.  mom came...

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more autumn crochet!

things are still crazy... a whirlwind of doctor visits and errands for mom, prior to her surgery (on the 30th! - keep your fingers crossed for us!), but somewhere in the midst of it all, i'm making sure i have time to crochet! here's a few pics of my latest additions....

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Have guild, need sword!  It’s the rules.

Have guild, need sword! It’s the rules.

So i finally got around to joining the Crochet Guild of America! But, of course, the rule is: you can't join a guild without a sword and... (ok, mostly that's just my rule, but a good rule it is, nevertheless!)... so I set out immediately to forge mah sword! I'm...

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Welcome to The Snarled Skein

Welcome to The Snarled Skein

When I was a little girl, my bestfriend’s mother decided that we needed to learn something "suitable for young ladies", rather than our cavorting around like little hellions for the summer.  For the next few weeks, we dabbled in various crafts: needlepoint,...

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